Weiz, Institut MATERIALS, Lab-on-a-foil

Meet us @ NanoBioConference 2021

2nd International Conference on Nanotechnologies and Bionanoscience (NanoBio 2021) taking place in Aquila Atlantis Hotel, at the heart of Heraklion City, Crete in 06-10 September 2021.

The 2nd International conference on Nanotechnologies and Bionanoscience (NanoBio 2021) – aims to capitalize on the rapid growing and interconnected fields of Nanotechnology and Bioscience, drawing in and providing an interdisciplinary forum for scientists and engineers from academia and industry. Among the main objectives is to discuss on the forefront of research and to address the theory, design and development of advanced materials and nanotechnologies in relation to the field of energy and health applications. The conference comprises six workshops focusing on the development of novel nanomaterials, bionanosystems for tissue engineering and healthcare, innovative solar cells, nanophotonics, nanomedicine, bioelectronics and lab-on-chip systems. NanoBio 2021 will include world leading Invited Speakers together with experts and stakeholders from academia and industry. Their talks  will be a platform for innovation from early-career researchers, young investigators and entrepreneurs. We envisage that the conference will provide an ideal environment to develop new collaborations and opportunities to meet the experts and stakeholders of the rapidly growing fields of Nanotechnology and Bionanoscience. Looking forward to meeting you in Heraklion. “

Weiz, Institut MATERIALS, Lab-on-a-foil

Meet us @ APTAMERS 2021

Meeting focus: Therapeutic, diagnostic, analytical and basic research applications of aptamers

Provisional meeting format: The meeting will run over two days. Each day will consist of invited presentations by senior scientists, and submitted short presentations by emerging researchers and students. There will also be an opportunity to present posters digitally, including flash-talks by poster presenters.

  • Day 1: 14th April 2021, 1400h BST (to be coordinated by Dr Maureen McKeague, McGill University, Montreal, Canada)
  • Day 2: 15th April 2021, 0800h BST (to be coordinated by Dr Sarah Shigdar, Deakin University,  Melbourne, Australia)

Invitation to submit an abstract: We invite emerging aptamer researchers and students to submit abstracts for oral and poster presentations. We particularly encourage final year doctoral students and early/mid career postdoctoral researchers/junior group leaders to submit oral abstracts, as we believe this virtual event will provide their research an excellent exposure, critical analysis by attending senior researchers and new career opportunities.

Meet us @ 8th International Symposium on Sensor Science


This conference will bring together leading researchers, from both academia and industry, to share their recent findings on a range of topics related to Bio- and Nano-Sensors, Bioelectronics, Chemical Sensors, Physical Sensors, Sensor Applications, and Smart Systems. It will focus on significant advances in the area of sensorics, enabling increased sensitivity, portability, and connectivity. Therefore, the target participants for the proposed conference are experts in the sensors community while, at the same time, the conference is expected to be mutually beneficial for young researchers and students.

We are eager to listen to the presentation about “Development of LATE PCR protocol for SARS-CoV-2 Detection” given by BFRAA at the 8th International Symposium on Sensor Science from 17 – 28 May 2021.


Meet us @ LOPEC 2021


We are eager to listen to the presentation about “Microfluidic devices and diagnostic chips from Roll-to-Roll production” given by Ms. Pelin Tören Özgün from JOANNEUM RESEARCH at LOPEC 21 from 23 – 25 March 2021.

Anja Haase @ COMPAMED

Watch Anja Haase from JOANNEUM RESEARCH talking about High-Throughput Roll2Roll Manufacturing of Microfluidic Devices Microscope at at COMPAMED!
Check the video linked below (Minute 02:20:00)

3. NanoSyn-Joint Meeting: 17. nanoNET-Austria Meeting & AMI Workshop

14 December 2020, 9:00 a.m. – 16:30 p.m. CET, online event

Click HERE to download the draft agenda.


Meet us @ NOVAQ Festival de l’innovation

29, 30 et 31 Octobre Ă  La Rochelle

For more details visit www.novaq.fr

Meet us @ MicroNanoConference 2020

December 3-4, in an online conference.
Where industry meets science, where problems can find solutions and where trends, challenges and new technologies are highlighted


The international MicroNanoConference has a solid track record in bringing together the elements of the value chain. The active involvement of industry, science and user community of microsystems and nanotechnology is the hallmark of this conference.

Academia and industry, researchers, engineers and policymakers discuss the latest developments. The conference spans basic research, engineering science, technology, equipment and instrumentation. Industrial applications, impact on society and business define the context.

Business development in high tech start-ups and value creation for growth in medium sized and large companies will be addressed.

Meet us @ COMPAMED

MEDICA 2020 and COMPAMED 2020, the world-leading information and communication platforms for the medical technology industry and supplier industry for the medical technology industry, will take place entirely online from 16 to 19 November.


Within the framework of ‘virtual.MEDICA’ and ‘virtual.COMPAMED’, decision-makers from all sectors of the healthcare industry can then expect a comprehensive range of products and services at virtual.MEDICA.de and virtual.COMPAMED.de consisting of three focal areas: The Conference Area (conference and forum program), the Exhibition Space (for exhibitors and product innovations) and the Networking Plaza (networking/ matchmaking).