Recording of Webinar: Smartphone-Enabled Home Diagnostics for Potassium in Blood

Watch the recording of our final dissemination webinar on the outcomes of Demo Case 1 in this NGM webinar!

Webinar: Smartphone-Enabled Home Diagnostics for Potassium in Blood

Register for our final dissemination webinar on home diagnostics for patients suffering from chronic heart failure and chronic kidney disease.

Recording of Webinar: Foil-Based Microfluidic Chips for Multiplex In Vitro Diagnostics: Lab Quality at Low Cost

Watch the recording of our final dissemination webinar on the outcomes of Demo Case 1 in this NGM webinar!

Recording of Webinar: Self-contained, low-cost lab-on-a-chip cartridge for multiplexed MDx and food analysis

Watch the recording of our final dissemination webinar on the outcomes of Demo Case 1 in this NGM webinar!

Recording of Webinar: Lab-on-a-Chip Technologies for Biological Monitoring

Watch the recording of our final dissemination webinar on the outcomes of Demo Cases 4 and 5 in this NGM webinar!

Webinar: Foil-Based Microfluidic Chips for Multiplex In Vitro Diagnostics – A Game Changer for Lab Quality at Low Cost

Register for our final dissemination webinar on aptamers to improve biosensors for food safety & public health monitoring!

Webinar: Self-contained, low-cost lab-on-a-chip cartridge for multiplexed MDx and food analysis

Register for our final dissemination webinar on aptamers to improve biosensors for food safety & public health monitoring!

Webinar: Lab-on-a-Chip Technologies for Biological Monitoring

Register for our final dissemination webinar on the outcomes of Demo Cases 4 and 5 in this NGM webinar!

NGM @ AMI Webinar – Scientific Excellence in Microfluidics

Save the date for the Austrian Microfluidics Initiative (AMI) WEBINAR on “Scientific Excellence in Microfluidics” on 16th November from 13:00 – 14:30 CET!
Our Partner George TSEKENIS (BRFAA) will present our project with the talk „The NextGenMicrofluidics Platform: Development and Upscaling of Microfluidic Cartridges for LoC Nucleic Acid Amplification and MicroArray Detection“.
➜ Click here for the AGENDA